Item: 1/7 Shoujo S PVC
Height: 20cm
Series: Native Creator's Collection
Maker: Native
Retail price: 8,000 yen
Order period: 29 January - 15 February 2010
Release date: June 2010
Info: Native-Web exclusive.
Interested buyers can contact me before the order deadline to inquire about pricing and place your preorder through me.
Hey man, I was wondering if you have any idea when you'll be able to confirm the end of the order period for this figure? I'm on the fence about getting her but if I do it'll definitely be through you, and I don't want to accidentally miss the deadline.
Deadline has yet to be announced by Native. I will post an update on my blog once official details are released.
Shall I email you so that you can reserve one for me? I'm quite interested in this figure. Thanks.
Please email me.
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